Thoughts from a
Pointy Sticker...



Pointy Stick Productions started out as a collection of home-school students and families looking to have a little fun with film, a little something extra they could do over the summer. Later, things started to get more serious. The core students of the group decided to get the most dedicated participants back together after their first local production, The Peril to the Shire. They decided to enter this more advanced project into a film festival, maintaining a Christian world-view throughout the movie. The teens this time around would run the majority of the project—the pre-production, acting, filming, music, graphics, editing, and more with guidance from the adults. They wanted to teach these kids something about working as a group, something in a real life setting, working together to produce something as a team effort. To do something that in depth comes with struggles, and a lot of joy.


The amazing thing is how the team totally surrendered their project over to God. You don’t see that too often with anything film related. They made an effort to pray before each meeting and each film shoot. And as the production continued, you could really see the hand of God in and out of their film making.


“In the end, it doesn’t matter if the film wins, we know what we did. But if it impacts someone in a good way, then we’ve truly accomplished something,” says Allison Boyle, part of the cast and crew of Pointy Stick Productions. This has been the philosophy of the group. Their goal was to make it at least to the semi-finals, but wanting to impact someone’s life even more. Pointy Stick Productions even went beyond the weekly film meetings, and the monthly film shoots – they became a support group, lending their help and prayers to anyone who needed them. So their original goal was met, and much more.


“Above anything that we started as…we’ve ended as a family.”

(c) 2008 Grace Dunklin
When you peek in on a Pointy Stick Productions meeting, your first glance sees a bunch a kids and a dad playing at movie-making. Then, you get caught up in their bright and enthusiastic expressions, you hear them trade ideas back and forth and see them jump headlong into the work without hesitation. You realize that Pointy Stick Productions is a group of individuals striving to do more than just make a five star film. They’re a team, each person going beyond what is expected, each of their talents being put to good use. They’re doing this to make something that would be worth seeing and glorifying to God.
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